Kozoji New Town, 2012

この作品のテーマは、1950年代よりとしの周辺に発達した「郊外の街」である。この街は、かつて「ニュータウン」と呼ばれていた。建設された当時、日本は高度経済成長期であった。大企業や工場が膨大な労働力を必要とし、地方に住む多くの人々が「都市」に移動した。しかし、50年が経過した現在、この街は今や「オールドタウン」と呼ばれている。大規模なショッピングモールの建設によって、「魚屋」、「おもちゃ屋」、「肉屋」といった小規模な店は潰れていった。 これは、この街に限った特殊なケースではなく、日本の多くの街が抱える問題である。


As a theme in my work, I picked up a “suburb”, which is the surrounding of a big city and had been developed in 1995’s in Japan. The suburb used to be a “new town”. My photograph shows the newtown built in 1965 in my hometown. At that time, Japan in the period of hight economic growth. Many people who live in the rural areas moved to the urban areas because big companies or big factories had needed enormous workers. That is why the newtown was build in the surrounding area of a big city. Also it means that young people of that time decided to live there for their hopes and dreams.

After 50 years, however, it became an old town for old people now. For instance, even though the town had many small shops such as a fish store, a meat store or a gadget shop, they gradually disappeared because of the huge shopping malls. This is not exceptional. Most of the cities have the same problem in Japan. My grandfather used to be a carpenter. Actually he joined the construction of this town. On the one hand, this town seems to be a very boring landscape as a typical “suburb”. But on the other hand, it might be a special place for my grandfather and people who lived there for a long time with hopes and dreams.